Health, Wellness and Lifestyle Coach
Jumping off the plateau

Jumping off the plateau

Jumping off the plateau… A relatively stable level, period, or state: You’ve been working hard to lose a few kilos. You’re watching your food intake and have started an exercise program. Each week you can see the results in how your clothes feel, and your happy with your achievements. Then…

The power of Belief

“Belief is confidence in the truth or existence of something not immediately susceptible to rigorous proof, an opinion or conviction.” – Oxford dictionary Belief is one of the building blocks of conscious thought. Our beliefs are at the core of who we are, what we do and the success that…

A new awareness

I have realised that the worthwhile things in life take work, even those which you usually take for granted.  A few weeks ago i started feeling sick. I don’t get sick very often, so I didnt take much notice of the sore throat and throbbing head. I continued with my…